OK – NOW the photographer of Tools is finished!

Man, this was agonizing.  This is the total redo card – tried mustache – looked like hell.  Tried tophat/steampunk – looked like hell.  Sat down to print it out and do some pen fuckery to it, printer won’t work right.  So what next? Wait – OCTOPUS!

So… without further ado – with tentacles for your pleasure…

Major II: Helen Killer WIP… getting there

this one is all fabric and thread. still have some more thread painting to do and then sandwich and quilt the sucker. But it’s getting there

this is very heavily based on the High Priestess Tarot card (major arcana II) as that’s the card it’s replacing.  The High Priestess sits on a throne near the sea on a lovely cloudy cay. Behind her is  a drapery of margaritas and other cocktails, with glitter rims (yes, the fabric CAME like that – how awesome is that!). Helen is wearing her dog caftan and the ubiquitous zori hat. The other zori is on her foot, peeking out from underneath the caftan. Her Boston Terrier sits expectantly at her feet. She sits between the two pillars of Whimsicle and Fuckery and keeps the knowledge of both.

Turkey Skants/Hanged Man WIP – Comments and Critique, Please!

Ok – got Peck of the Day finalized, so here is my working draft of my second Major Arcana card – Turkey Skants Man. A giant knitting needle and paint brush have been lashed together. Turkey Skants Man hangs from the contraption by the string wrapped around one of his ankles. Paint drips from the brush, making a puddle. Level 4 Photoshop Cat sits on the other side, “playing” with the dangling string.

In looking at the original picture of Turkey Skants Man, it seems as though he is crossing his eyes. Does anyone else know this for sure, or am I imagining it? I drew it that way but will change it if you guys think I should.

Please let me know what you think, I can take it!

Peck of the Day/The Star Work In Progress

This is my working sketch of  The Peck of the Day/The Star card.  I have the lovely Etsy hen, making her cup of Earl Grey tea and  holding a mustache on a stick under her wing.  Wisps of strange smoke curl up from the tea and swirl around the room, which is floored with barn wood of course.  What is in the smoke that affects the Etsy hen and influences her decisions.  Or doe she literally only peck at the pieces of dried corn on the floor and hit random keys with her beak?  Broken keys from an Etsy Admin’s keyboard litter the floor as well, and what do they spell? CF4L, of course.  Let me know what you think and give feedback before I get too far into this, please guys.  I welcome all input.  Thanks,Penny.