Rapture/Judgement final!!

I tried doing all pastel-y watercolours for this but me and pastel shades just don’t work together… So I’ve gone for a whole rainbow of colours! As I said on the WIP she is loosely based on Martha Stewart welcoming the cupcakes to heaven, but that little glint in her eye? Yep, she’s gonna eat them all up. And I don’t even want to know what she’s going to do to that poor unicorn.

Skull Fascinator/Death WIP

So, the euro hamster shawl needs a bit of tweaking, as does other bits need cleaning up – this is just the colour sketch though, I’m working on smaller versions before doing the larger final versions.

I’ve tried to incorporate as many dead things without taking away the desolate feel. Anyway, here it is (please excuse fuzzy photo)…


Rapture WIP

‘scuse the rubbish photo but here is the rough colour sketch I’ve been working on. I’m making a larger version of this but was just testing out colours, and I need to make her a little more evil, the original sketch I did she had more of a glint in her eyes. I’m not sure what going on with the mouth at the moment. She’s kinda based on Martha Stewart…

Let me know what you think.