Skull Fascinator/Death WIP

So, the euro hamster shawl needs a bit of tweaking, as does other bits need cleaning up – this is just the colour sketch though, I’m working on smaller versions before doing the larger final versions.

I’ve tried to incorporate as many dead things without taking away the desolate feel. Anyway, here it is (please excuse fuzzy photo)…


4 thoughts on “Skull Fascinator/Death WIP”

  1. the MJ tombstone made me LOL. and I recognized the hamster shawl.

    Even your sketches are awesome.

  2. Wow, thanks Wendy! The tombstone came to me quite late but once thought of just *had* to go in. The other bit on the ground which is difficult to make out is the ‘missing’ poster for the cat… I’m not sure whether to litter the ground more with other dead things, if anyone has any ideas or tell me to not clutter it please do!!

  3. Oh this is awesome, it’s hard to believe it’s just a sketch. The only I can think of you could add would be some scattered bones or maybe some more tombstones (maybe some crooked or broken ones).

  4. Thanks feketenoemi! I was thinking about adding another tomb and/or maybe coffin with some of the others – ET might be good, and MM. Any more? Cheers for input – you’re right, there needs to be bones on the ground too!

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