WIP: Tools 13 & 14

I know I posted these a while ago on the Regretsy forum, but here they are again until I can scan a WIP of the colored pencil work.

Mr. Gear:

















Mrs. Glues Shit to Other Shit:

5 thoughts on “WIP: Tools 13 & 14”

  1. I love that glue gun. It’s so… suggestive (It makes me giggle like a middle-schooler)

  2. These are great. Now I’m really nervous about mine. Do you do your line work first in black pen, then use the colored pencils? That’s how I was going to do mine. I have a great big 120+ set of Prismacolors just begging to be used. I’ve never used them exclusively, but rather with other media.

    1. That’s how I used to do it, but now I usually do the lineart in Photoshop. It’s easier to rework some of the pencil sketch beforehand on the computer, although I don’t get as good an outcome with line weight (my old, old Photoshop CS2 and Intuos 3 tablet don’t get along and make for rather jaggy lines if I’m not zoomed in close enough). Then I print the lineart directly to tinted paper and continue with colored pencil.

      I love my Prismacolor pencils! They blend like a dream, and you don’t even need to use the clear blender they sell. I’ve tried a couple other brands, but they just weren’t up to the job.

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