
Music for the Goddess

New Music for the Old Religion

Goddess Mandala

Music for the Goddess has been rocking the Pagan community since its formation on Mabon (the fall equinox) 1998 with an eclectic mix of music, musicians and instrumentation. Their songs range from Celtic-influenced folk to hard rock and everything in-between. Their debut album, Goddess Manadala contains 11 original songs, one hour of music. Descriptions and song clips are here.

CD is $10.00  (Limited quantity!)


Dancing With Hecate

 Their second album, Dancing With Hecate, features 10 tracks, including dance tunes, celtic rock, folk, hard rock, jazz, blues and a power ballad. It has been a journey of discovery for singer/songwriter Wendy Sheridan. “When I started working on the second album, in early 2001, I had a completely different concept and direction for it. It was going to be much more political and much heavier. But then, my mother called me and told me she had just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and everything changed.”

“Music took a back seat for a couple of years, as I helped her as best I could, living 5 hours away from her. We spent all our free time visiting with her and helping around the house. After her death on the Winter Solstice in 2003, our work wasn’t finished, either. We had to get the house we grew up in ready to sell on my dad’s behalf. And go through 45 years worth of accumulated stuff. I learned a lot about both my parents during this time, and I also learned a lot about getting rid of clutter.”

More about the album and some song clips are here.

CD is $10.00


The Regretsy™ Tarot

This was a Kickstarter-funded project from 2011, when the Regretsy website was still up and active. The site is gone now, lost in the mists of time. The tarot decks have sold out. You might be able to find one on eBay. However, you can still download the Tarot companion book.

Regretsy™ Tarot Companion book

The Electronic version of the booklet is a FREE PDF download, available RIGHT NOW.

The physical, printed book with some Regretsy-themed card reading spreads is available from CafePress for $17.00. If the image shows up blank there, but that’s a bug with the Cafe Press website. They have promised me that it prints properly.